
Best of 2024

That’s a risky Google you’ve got goin’.
— M. Shoubridge over C. Boyer’s shoulder while she searches "fused butt cheeks,” 1.2.24
Are you on the Stanley Cup train?”
“Me? I’m no hockey guy.
— M. Augustin, G. Parsons, 1.8.24
There’s just something about it that feels at-home to me—”
“—about men running into each other.
— M. Augustin, K. Teresi, on Sunday football as ambiance, 1.8.24
World’s worst Hot Pocket. Give it to your least favorite person.
— A. Seng on pizza cones, 1.9.24
Massive bad karma with the Cub Scouts after that.
— J. Eschweiler recalls defacing a Halloween decoration with the name of a fellow den mate, 1.16.24
I consider the bread pre-masticated—which is neat, to be baby-birded in today’s age.
— G. Parsons on Jersey Mike’s, 1.19.24
I feel like I rolled in something.
— A. Horner detects something in the air he doesn’t like, 1.21.24
They have no society.
— T. Marks on ants, 1.24.24
I didn’t do a formal referral. I thought we were playing a gentleman’s game with our friend’s future.
— B. Ruiz, 1.25.24
I refuse to have low-performance vehicles on my feet.
— A. Seng, 1.31.24
I caught Covid in Florida. I can’t come.”
”Thanks for not spreading Florida on us.
— A. Hickey, M. Wong, 1.31.24
When I see words I fight those fuckers like I’m in ancient Rome.
— T. Marks, 2.1.24
That baby looks like it’s 90 years-old.
— A. M. Augustin, 1.31.24
It *is* an El Niño year, I’ll remind you.
— T. Klotz justifies 50 degrees Fahrenheit in January, 2.1.24
That was the camel that broke my back.
— S. Koster, 2.3.24
We all have a whisper of the ’tism; some of us, a shout.
— G. Parsons, 2.6.24
It’s over for you fools once these women are hydrated and at EASE!
— L. Callis, 2.6.24
After much deliberation between my face grapes and my skull raisin...
— C. Staples, 2.6.24
Being an assassin is a great sin-eater job.
— A. Horner, 2.8.24
Anyone interested in being a new product tester?”
“Has it been tested on rabbits first? Baby rabbits specifically.
— A. Jones, A. Horner, 2.9.24
We should scheme up something a little extra special for her this year.”
”She’s gotta Saukville slam 40 ounces of maple syrup.”
“We want to give her a good time, not diabetes.
— D. Pearson, A. Horner, 2.9.24
I didn’t cry for Joni Mitchell because I didn’t know the song.”
”She didn’t know the song ‘Both Sides Now.’ Should I divorce?
— S. Cyr, V. Kraus, on the Grammy’s, 2.11.24
I see a lot of God’s light in you. His winter light, specifically.
— R. Armstrong on Christian-coded color season analysis, 2.12.24
My next TikTok: a screenshot of me on this call with 8 men, set to the Barbie song ‘What Was I Made For.’
— A. Hickey, 2.13.24
What you ate looked like a cockroach, so...
— K. Brady, 2.17.24
I’m working on the Drew Barrymore show today and they are giving every guest a $100 gift card to Van Leeuwen’s, but what about for the crew?? 😭😭”
“Yeah what about the crew’s fiancé too.
— R. de Lemos, E. Schleicher, 2.20.24
Put a Fitbit on these shoulders, baby! Shake a mile.
— P. Shively feels the groove of a new tune, 2.20.24
My asshole still flaps in the wind.
— C. Levy, 2.21.24
Yes, I have the forehead crease of an Irish potato farmer in 1845.
— E. Johansen, 2.21.24
Grandpa was always zen.”
“Which is amazing for someone who went to war.”
“He talked about being in Korea with so much tenderness. The bloodiest war!
— A. M. Augustin, M. Augustin, 2.22.24
The bane of my mouth.
— C. Staples on having a name with a double sibilant, 2.22.24
Like, is this your first day here?
— L. Dahlgren on social influencer fails, 2.23.24
Who puts their kid in a radish hat? The answer is me, the second I have a kid.
— J. Eckles, 2.26.24
Your hair looks nice.”
“Wow, thank you!”
“If you tell someone their hair looks nice, they might give you something.
— E. Pearson (Age 6), A. M. Augustin, 2.26.24
I don’t pay for pain.
— G. Johnson, 2.27.24
I’m a slut for gradients.
— B. Zimmerman, 3.1.24
Whenever I see photos of Felicity my heart opens with joy. I think I will one day be cremated with my Felicity by my side.
— K. Savela’s ode to her American Girl doll, 3.1.24
They’re so loud when they use the megaphones in their minds.
— T. Klotz on sperm whales. 3.3.24
I’m the opposite. Pisces season recharges me. Everyone else is Le Mis.
— S. Augustin, 3.7.24
Will I see the Vitamin D god?”
“Yes but you can’t look directly at it.
— L. Dahlgren and G. Parsons discuss sore throat cures, 3.7.24
I just wanna run into Sterling K. Brown and show him I can cry on the spot, too.
— T. Klotz, 3.13.24
Did you eat a clove of garlic today?”
”Stop telling people to do that. I tried it once, and it didn’t work.”
”You drink, like, ten Red Bulls a day. You’re not the pinnacle of health here.
— T. Marks and G. Parsons debate common cold cures, 3.13.24
He was doing SO well until the “C**T” sticker—words I never thought I’d say.
— R. Armstrong assesses a summer intern candidate’s thank-you note, 4.3.24
Well, stealing Theonious really would be a heist, because he’s so big.
— K. Teresi considers what it would take to let loose the neighbor's lawn tortoise, 4.7.24
I should have realized sooner, how much I like attention.
— K. Teresi, 4.7.24
I mean, you either can ride a bike, or you can’t.
— A. Briere pokes holes in the plot of Irish Wish, 4.7.24
I think of study hall as in-school suspension.
— K. Teresi, 4.9.24
Rubber chicken of the woods.
— K. Teresi, 4.10.24
Nature’s elixir flows from the goblin’s teat.
— K. Teresi, 4.18.24
You of all people should support my Omega-3 journey.
— G. Parsons, 4.22.24
Dusky business.
— D. Cass describes purple for Hues & Cues, 4.26.24
The child does not fully trust me and has a frown that is advanced for her age.
— K. Teresi, 4.27.24
I got rid of him.
— G. Pearson, Age 3, in a low scratchy voice, closes the door on a house guest, 4.29.24
Nothing doesn’t touch my gullet.
— J. Larson, 4.29.24
Everyone has their cross; and nary a serf to carry.
— G. Parsons, 4.30.24
I’ve lost my chappy, and me lips ain’t happy. Dunno what I’ll do to soothe these puckeroos.
— A. Horner, 5.17.24
Seems like a poor use for fruit.”
“Well, it’s definitely a poor use for water.
— C. Staples, H. Daughhetee, 5.21.24
I stay in goof-mode in this tuxedo T-shirt of a personality.
— G. Parsons, 5.24.24
Andrew 3000? You’ve heard his new album?
— J. K. Horner, 5.26.23
It’s the Stradivarius of eggs.
— N. Brady on Fabergé eggs. 6.3.24
Had a wholesome walk to Whole Foods to get some cough drops and bananas and tea early this AM. Put the humidifier on and opened my MacBook. A real WASP-y morning over here. Petting my Golden Retrievers.
— J. Larson, 6.7.24
Mom jeans: so well suited for any monkey.
— V. Koci, 6.9.24
Just a smug, thrifty little frog over here.
— R. Armstrong, 6.13.24
I can’t pass up a good clothespin sale.
— P. Jones, 6.24.24
That’s a lot of eye contact for a man eating corn.
— G. Parsons, 6.24.24
Cutest little farm house. Cute as a bug’s ear.
— D. Augustin, 7.3.24
I’d trust anybody who’s got a canoe hat and a Chuckwagon shirt.
— D. Augustin, 7.7.24
It was a warbler of sorts.
— A. Horner, 7.8.24
I’m a veteran of the cracking arts.
— C. Staples, 7.10.24
What a job. Carcass hoister.
— A. Horner, 7.12.24
It’s the kitty litter for puke.
— A. Seng on Voban Aromatic Absorbent, 7.24.24
Anybody wanna grab a drink after class with me and Maja and our babies?”
“I didn’t know they could drink.”
“How do you think we get them to sleep?
— C. Kaivo, A. Naumaan, 7.23.24
It tastes eerily of marshmallows.
— H. Bennett’s first bite of what seems like a bowl of marshmallow-less Lucky Charms, 7.25.24
Faya had a rhinestone in her fur? It’s probably from that cool gay dog.
— K. Brady, 7.29.24
Where is Kristin? Did we sell her?
— S. Tolongola, 7.30.24
My grandpa drove with both feet.”
“On the steering wheel?
— G. Parsons, A. Seng, 7.30.24
You were like this.”
— G. Horner and T. Horner observe a toddler's diaper change, 8.1.24
See how my muscles are gone? I don’t know if you’ve noticed...
— A. Yuniz, 8.6.24
I’m a softie for apples.
— A. M. Augustin, 8.10.24
For BIG snot.
— H. Daughtree considers a giant bandana, 9.7.24
By this point it’s getting crazy: I am handing out Fireball; Nate is playing Ja Rule.
— K. Brady, 9.17.24
Where did I go wrong in life to be shushed by a librarian?
— E. Csuy, 9.22.24
I don’t have enough melty dollops in my life.
— T. Klotz, 10.18.24
Yeah, but my dad sneezes quite loud. Even strangers tell him.
— D. Schaefer, Age 6, 10.19.24
When they’re in the wrong place, hands are scarier than feet.
— G. Sinner, 10.26.24
Was that the squeak of the floor board, or the squeak of my wife?
— A. Engsberg, 10.26.24
So much extra fiber. I felt like an alligator trying to swallow stones to grind my food.
— G. Parsons, 11.7.24
I told her about Carol, too, and what an honor it was that she had been chosen. I was there for 5 hours—to color my hair its natural color and get this clown haircut.
— K. Teresi laments unfortunate results at the salon, 11.8.24
I am just a cheese-grating monkey at her beck and call.
— G. Parsons, 11.27.24
Can you take my water bottle out of the fridge?! My rosary’s on there—Jesus is freezing!
— E. Pearson, Age 6, 11.30.24
I don’t bake often, but when I do, I fucking GO.
— K. Brady, 12.1.24
I love that girl, but she’s low-key obsessed with saints.
— D. Pearson on E. Pearson, 12.6.24
Thank you for the birthday wishes! I have the day off. We’re having a radon mitigation system put in.”
“It’s radon’s death-day today.
— K. Savela, N. Augustin, 12.12.24
I may need a bite to eat. I’ve had a donut and a hot chocolate. That’s, like, *the* Buddy The Elf diet.
— C. Boyer, 12.14.24
Was he any good at cribbage?”
“Yeah! He’s apparently dyslexic, so he was, like, REALLY good.
— M. Augustin, K. Brady, 12.16.24
Waldorf Atheists.
— C. Levy, 12.19.24
Just bones floating in an ocean of chub.
— K. Teresi describes an X-ray of an infant's foot, 12.20.24
My poor husband. He is the color of paste.
— A. White sympathizes with her unwell spouse, 12.21.24
My eyeballs are sweating.
— G. Johnsen saunas, 12.25.24
I tell my lamps, ‘This is where you’ll go to die.’
— P. Jones on home decor, 12.25.24
I’m not sleeping with my Louisiana cousins. There’s no way.
— A. Augustin considers bunk arrangements, 12.27.24
Eclipses were for hot drunk sluts exclusively. Everyone I knew who had one totaled it.
— R. Armstrong on Mitsubishis, 12.28.24
I wanna be that rich.”
“You are rich.”
“Not $5,000 bookshelf rich.
— M. Wong, B. Ruiz, 12.30.24
Smellin’ bullshit ain’t hard. You don’t need to be a super sniffer for that.
— A. Horner, 12.31.24